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For summer 2025, we are updating the summer work and housing approval processes to better align with the college’s continued commitment to provide meaningful work and a positive student experience in the summer months. This summer brings not only a focus on supporting the college’s essential workforce needs, but we are also planning a busy construction schedule as well as welcoming a robust number of summer camps and conferences that will limit the number of beds we will have available to house summer students.
As we work to balance all of these summer priorities, we are asking our campus partners to proactively consider and share their essential summer student work needs. Please be on the lookout for an email with the link to our summer position request form (this link can also be found under the LifeWorks supervisors tab in the VikingWeb employee section). Departments that do not request summer work positions, and receive approval from their divisional leaders, will not be able to hire students for the summer.
Dates to consider
- Jan 30 (11-12pm) and Feb 5 (3-4pm): Open forum Q+A sessions for faculty/staff with Dean Taylor and Dean Hunsaker in Krannert 324.
- Feb 15: Deadline for Supervisors to submit their summer job requests
- March 7: Supervisors will receive notification about approved LifeWorks summer positions (i.e., supervisors can begin to recruit/advertise to student workers at this time)
- April 15: Deadline to hire students into approved summer jobs
- May 1: Residence Life begins communication of summer housing assignments
- May 15: Deadline to request early arrival (additional information about this process will be forthcoming)
Lifeworks: Summer Job Approval Criteria AND GUIDANCE
Jobs that contribute to critical campus operations in the summer months. Examples of these jobs include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Facilities (e.g., Grounds, Housekeeping, etc.)
- Animal Units
- Welcome Center
- Food / Dining / Auxiliary Services
Jobs that fulfill essential college programming over the summer months. Examples of these jobs include, but are not limited to, the following:
- SOAR leaders
- Admissions Ambassadors
- Student Support / Programming
- Gate & LifeWorks Scholarship Leaders
Jobs that align with the current strategic priorities / initiatives of the college. Examples of these jobs include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Undergraduate Research (e.g., SURF, etc.)
- Auxiliary Partnerships (e.g., The Spires, Rome Tennis Center, etc)
- Strategic Employer & Community Engagement Partnerships (TBD)
- Revenue Generating Opportunities (e.g., Camps, Conferences, etc.)
Non-meaningful work positions are jobs that do not consistently meet the following criteria of meaningful work in the summer months:
- Clear Responsibilities and Goals: Do student employees have defined tasks and responsibilities that contribute value to their department or the college, with specific goals and measurable outcomes?
- Intentional Development: Are there structured opportunities and support systems for students to enhance their professional skills, with clear expectations for their performance and growth?
- Consistent Engagement: Are student employees primarily involved in their job tasks (or professional development activities) during work hours, avoiding distractions like personal phone use, scrolling online, doing homework or other unrelated activities?
- Students who have achieved, or will achieve, significant training and/or certifications necessary to complete their job requirements (e.g., BITS, Salesforce, Animal Units, etc.)
- Students in work-based scholarship (e.g. Gate & LifeWorks Scholars)
- Students who have been hired for positions with strategic community partners or employers (see list above)
The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program will follow its regular application and approval process instead of filling out this form. The Provost’s Office will coordinate directly with LifeWorks to incorporate SURF positions.
Supervisors will need to submit a request for each unique summer position. A unique summer position would involve a different job classification, a different number of required weekly hours, or a different required timeframe (e.g., Block A or Block B, etc). If these are different / unique, then supervisors must fill out an additional request for each one. If they are the same (e.g., 3 entry level Student Office Assistants @ 40 hours a week for Block A), but simply have different job titles (e.g., Office Assistant, Front Desk Receptionist, Marketing Assistant, etc), then a supervisor would not need to fill out multiple forms. You can simply acknowledge the different job titles within the "Additional information" box.
Examples of when to fill out multiple requests:
Different job classifications: If you want to hire an Office Assistant (Entry) @ 30 hours a week for Block A and an Office Manager (Advanced) @ 30 hours a week for Block A, then you will need to fill out two requests for each position.
Different required hours per week: If you want to request an Office Assistant (Entry) @ 30 hours a week for Block A and a Marketing Assistant (Entry) for 20 hours a week in Block A, you would need to fill out two forms.
Different required timeframes: If you want to request 1 Office Assistant (Entry) @ 30 hours a week for Block A and 1 Office Assistant (Entry) for Blocks A & B, then fill out two different requests: 1 for an Office Assistant (Entry) @ 30 hours week for Block A and another for 1 Office Assistant (Entry) for Blocks A and B.
Combination: If you want to hire a Office Assistant (Entry) @ 30 hours a week for Block A, a Marketing Assistant (Entry) at 20 hours a week for Blocks A & B, an Office Manager (Advanced) at 40 hours a week for Blocks A & B, then you would need to fill out three different requests.
Still have questions? Contact us
Residence Life: Summer Housing Approval Criteria
- Students working full-time in an approved LifeWorks or C&I position
- Full-time = consistently working 30-40 of hours per week per summer block
- Students taking in-person summer classes
- Students enrolled in an academic internship in the Rome-Floyd County area
- Students who need to be on campus to fulfill scholarship obligations
- Gate / LifeWorks Scholars (for work hours requirements)
- Bonner Scholars (for service requirements)
- Students who meet the above criteria must also agree to abide by Res Life’s summer guidelines / policies
- Be available to move during identified time periods published by Res Life
- Students in residence will be re-evaluated each summer block
- Students here for May will vacate Friday, May 16
- Students here for Block A will vacate Friday, June 20
- Students here for Block B will vacate Friday, July 25
- Students remaining on campus after Block B for work will relocate beginning on Saturday, July 26
- Students working in a non-approved LifeWorks job or virtual internship
- Students enrolled in virtual summer classes
- Student consistently working under 30 hours a week in an approved LifeWorks job
- Students working an off-campus job not affiliated with LifeWorks
- Student who will not agree to abide by Res Life’s summer guidelines / policies (including move dates)