About the Brand

Our roots shape the story we tell

There may be no better path to understanding Berry today than by looking back—to the values that have always defined us. They’re fundamental to everything we do. And they are the foundation of the Berry brand.

At our founding, Martha Berry partnered with students: she provided educational opportunity, and they helped build the school. That same collaborative mindset guides what we do today. But timeless as these values are, we recognize that modes and styles of communicating them are constantly changing.

To stay on point as we tell the Berry story, we have reflected carefully on what is most true about us and about how we can most effectively share it with others.

While we have found new and relevant ways of talking about the Berry experience, the power of connecting learning to doing and the deepened sense of purpose we gain by reflecting on our work remains at the heart of our story.

Through these brand and identity tools, we have an opportunity to reenergize our communication and to remind ourselves of what we hold most closely.

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